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                01. Dining table

                The shape design is simple and generous, the inclined Angle is suitable for the cat spine radian, a variety of styles, healthy materials, so that your cat healthy drinking water diet.

                More¡¾Dining table¡¿Product

                02. Nest bed

                A combination of appearance level and quality of the shaker, simple design generous, let the cat enjoy life.

                More¡¾Nest bed¡¿Product

                03. Scratcher

                Sisal hemp with natural solid wood, can be put on the ground to practice claw rest, can also be set on the wall. It doesn't take up space.


                04. Cat climbing frame

                Imitation rattan cat nest, refreshing a summer. The use of imported sisal, the top lookout, looking far, linen lamb down nest pad, warm in winter and cool in summer, available in four seasons.

                More¡¾Cat climbing frame¡¿Product

                05. Cat litter

                Natural fresh breathing is more comfortable, water absorption capacity is stronger, unity is fast and not easy to disperse.

                More¡¾Cat litter¡¿Product

                06. Snack toys

                Cat toy box, cat toy stick, polygonum, etc. Let the owner enjoy playing, close to the natural feeling is more comfortable for the cat!

                More¡¾Snack toys¡¿Product
                Dining table Nest bed Scratcher Cat climbing frame Cat litter Snack toys

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