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                About us

                Your current location:Home - About us - Company profile

                Not every kind of solid wood products
                is called "MIAO FAIRY"

                Xuzhou Jiaxile Pet Products Co., Ltd. was established in 2015. The company is located in Xuzhou, which is known as the thoroughfare of the five provinces in the north of Jiangsu. We are an integrated industry and trade enterprise integrating design, development, production and sales of pet products. Now the company has more than 300 employees, 1,100 square meters of office space, 8,000 square meters of wooden pet products production workshop, 5,000 square meters of storage and¡­

                Year / establishment
                +Square meters / Workshop
                +Square meters / warehouse delivery center

                Brand culture

                Meow xian'er, born out of love, knows more about the needs of the excrement removal officer
                meow fairy is willing to create a comfortable environment for you and your little meow fairy

                • We expect that every little life will have a happy life!

                  When every little cat is picked up home

                  It starts a new journey to the unknown

                  It will bring you precious memories

                  And you will be the most important person in its life

                • Give Xiaomiaoxian the best life while lighting up the owner's home!

                  Miaoxianer focuses on pet life and home furnishing brands

                  Years of experience in raising cats and deep love for cats are injected into product design

                  Incorporate the enduring and popular macaron color into it

                  The perfect combination of practicality and beauty, while lighting up the new life of the shovel official

                  Let the tired heart be healed instantly when returning home in the evening

                • The senior shovel officer understands your needs better!

                  I want to give it a fairy bowl

                  To be worthy of its lovely temperament

                  Meow Xianer integrates macaron color into essential home

                  Practical and beautiful small homes are born

                • Meow Xianer is a young and loving team!

                  Years of shoveling experience plus dozens of cat feeding

                  Miao Xianer, born out of love, knows more about the needs of the shovel officer

                  Practical, beautiful, and quality have always been implemented in our products

                  Independent design, innovative technology, efficient and safe production line

                  Fully control the details and strive for perfect quality

                • We are willing to create an exclusive and comfortable environment for you and your little cat!

                  Years of experience in raising cats makes us want to create a happy and comfortable home environment for cats

                  The professional independent design team integrates more love on the basis of innovation

                  The huge factory has many years of exquisite craftsman and first-class production line

                  Use your understanding of cats to develop products

                  Create a brand with love for cats

                    Not every solid wood product is called "Meow Fairy"

                    Let the pet home create
                    a harmonious and happy life

                    Jiaxile pet products
                    its brand "maixianer"

                    The company has more than 100 product appearance and utility model patents. At the same time, we will continue to increase investment in product design, expand R & D / design team, strive to bring more and better product experience to pet lovers, and strive to enhance the brand influence of meow Xianer.

                    Company profile Brand story Enterprise strength

                    Online Message
