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                Not every solid wood product is called "Meow Fairy"

                Let the pet home create
                a harmonious and happy life

                HOME CURRENT

                Jiaxile pet products
                its brand "maixianer"

                We are committed to improving pet household happiness, making people pet harmonious and happy life, and striving to build meow Xianer into a leading brand in pet home industry!

                Year / establishment
                +Square meters / Workshop
                +Square meters / warehouse delivery center
                LEARN MORE +
                ABOUT CURRENT

                We guarantee: natural materials / simple and warm / enjoying sunshine / unlimited fun

                natural materials/simple and warm/enjoy the sunshine/unlimited interest

                PRODUCT CURRENT

                Happy Nature Pet Life

                Focus on cat household ten years life only do cat supplies

                SERVICE CURRENT

                A goal without a plan is just a wish

                Committed to improving pet home well being Let people favor and harmony live a
                happy life Strive to build meow Xianer into a leading brand in pet home industry!

                VISION CURRENT

                Let pet home to create a harmonious and happy life